Fishnish Forest Loop

Dog walking at Fishnish Forest on the Isle of Mull.

Back at the start of June, we had a relaxing (slightly rainy) week exploring the Isle of Mull. When we came to the end of our stay, we had one last morning to do a quick walk on the island – I’d booked the 11am ferry from Craignure, which ended up only being a 10 minute drive from our cottage, leaving plenty of time for a leg stretch. Consulting our Pocket Mountains guide, we picked a short walk exploring the forest at Fishnish – a fantastic spot to see otters and white-tailed eagles (apparently!).

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Fishnish Forest on the Isle of Mull.

We followed the shorter of the two way-marked walking trails which start from the parking area. The longer of the two heads along the coast to Garmony, but as we were mindful that we wanted to get to the ferry terminal in plenty of time, we stuck with plan A to do the shorter trail. We set off down the forest road into the woods: the walk is mostly through the trees on good paths with little to no incline. There’s just one earthy section of path, but thankfully this wasn’t muddy, despite all the rain we had during the week!

This was a lovely quiet walk, which we had entirely to ourselves. It was a shame that the fact that it was mostly in the forest meant there wasn’t much in the way of views, but at only 45 minutes it was a great way to let the dogs blow off some steam before getting on the ferry.

Dog walking at Fishnish Forest on the Isle of Mull

At the end of the walk we went to have a look in the hide on the shore by the car park. It’s a lovely little hide with life size models of the birds of prey you might see on the ceiling, and a whiteboard where people can record their sightings. There were plenty of otter and white-tailed eagle sightings, however sadly we didn’t see any. Some people had helpfully added the time that they’d spotted otters – from reading this you’d have a better chance of seeing them before 8am or after 4pm. We did spot the CalMac ferry chugging its way out of Fishnish towards Lochaline though!

Fishnish Forest on the Isle of Mull.

We spent about 15 minutes sitting quietly in the hide before giving up and heading back to the car – Merry is not great at sitting quietly, and we didn’t want to disturb anyone else if they arrived and wanted to spend some time in there. From Fishnish it was a drive of less than 10 minutes to get to Craignure, so we arrived with plenty of time to spare for the ferry home.

Dog friendly rating – 5/5. This is a great dog walk: lovely and quiet and free of stiles. You should be able to have your dog off lead for most of this walk without any worries. Just be mindful of the fact that towards the end of the walk, the path passes quite close to the road, so you might want to pop your dog back on the lead here.

Dog walking at Fishnish Forest on the Isle of Mull.

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