Discount codes

I am very lucky to work with some absolutely fantastic brands. I get lots of messages on Instagram from various brands about collaborations, but a lot of the time I actually say no – I don’t want to bombard my followers with advertising, and I only want to promote products I believe in and which I actually buy myself.

Ruff & Tumble

Dogs get wet and mucky, and Ruff and Tumble are here to help! They supply a great range of drying products and accessories – and I have to say their drying robe is hands down the best I have ever used (it’s the only one that has stayed on without shifting at all during post- bath zoomies). My other top pick would be the drying mitts, which are fab for quickly rubbing down at the end of a walk to remove both excess water and sand. Use code Coal15 for 15% off on their website.

ACAI Outdoorwear

When I first started hiking and exploring the great outdoors, I found it really frustrating how male-oriented the clothes sections were in outdoor shops. There just didn’t seem to be any hiking clothing for women that I really loved! That’s why I was thrilled when I discovered ACAI Outdoorwear, and I’d been purchasing their clothes for years before they approached me to be an ambassador. Their outdoor trousers are comfortable, stylish and shower resistant, and wipe clean to get rid of muddy paw prints! You can use my code MERRY to save 10% on all orders made through the above link. I will earn a % commission if you use my code.