Sron a’ Chlachain

On our way up to Assynt in September we stopped off half way to make the journey a bit more manageable – ten hours in a car with two dogs would be a bit much…

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24 Hours in Angus and Dundee

When we came back from Assynt in September this year we stopped off overnight in Angus and Dundee to break the journey up a bit. I had booked it last minute and picked the first…

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Fàilte gu Asainte: Welcome to Assynt

We are just home from an absolutely incredible week exploring Assynt in the Scottish Highlands. We were meant to travel in April, but had to postpone due to Coronavirus – however, we were still able…

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A Week in the Far North West of Scotland

Yesterday we were meant to be heading up to the far north west of Scotland for a week’s holiday. Unfortunately, the nationwide lockdown has meant we have had to delay our trip until later in…

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