Routin Lynn

On our trip to Northumberland in November 2020, the guest book in our cottage was full of rave reviews about walks around the Ford & Etal estate. We didn’t make it up there during that…

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Exploring Northumberland with Doxford Farm

Anyone who’s been following my blog for any length of time will know how much I love Northumberland. It’s got it all: sweeping stretches of sandy beach, verdant forests and windswept hills. Not to mention…

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Alnham & the Salter’s Road

Last weekend we journeyed up to Northumberland for the Montane Cheviot Goat Ultra (Sam was running, not me!). Just after we arrived Sam got a text to say the race had been postponed due to…

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Humbleton Hillfort

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you’ll know that I love a good hillfort trail, and nowhere are they more abundant than in Northumberland’s chronically underrated National Park. We’ve only recently discovered…

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The Breamish Hillfort Trail

Nestled in the heart of the Northumberland National Park, the Breamish Valley is nothing less than delightful. The eponymous river flows gently through the valley, making this a prime choice for picnicking families, and the…

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